Applications of Regex and Python in data transformation for masking of sensitive information and extraction of date details from free text

Data Engineering
Data Masking

Zaishan Weng


October 18, 2022


October 18, 2022

Image generated from Stability AI Stable Diffusion with prompt “colourful artistic patterns made up of text”


There are many useful applications of Regex. In this article, I would like to cover two of them commonly used for my projects in Singapore. They are

  • Masking of sensitive Singapore National ID information
  • Extraction of relevant date details from a text field

The full set of codes in a Jupyter Notebook format can be found in the following link

The full code for the various functions can also be found at the end of the article.

1. Masking of Singapore National ID information

In Singapore, the National ID starts with one of the alphabets, S,T,F or G followed by 7 digits and ends with another alphabet e.g. S1234567A. With a simple Regex function, we can detect the occurrence of text matching the pattern and mask the information automatically to a format such as SXXXX567A.

import re
def mask_nric(text):
    nric_regex = re.compile('([STFG])\d{4}(\d{3}[A-Z])')
    return nric_regex.sub(r'\1XXXX\2', text)

Below is the example of the original text and processed text where the sensitive information have been masked:

Masking of National ID details within Text

2. Extraction of date details from Service Text Field

There are several formats which can represent date and time and I will be highlighting the common scenarios for date representation. The code can be customized to the different date formats accordingly.

2a. Extraction of date details where month is represented by abbreviated or long month name

In this section, the date pattern to be extracted is where the month is an abbreviated or full month name e.g. 22 Dec 2021, 18 October 22 etc. The Regex Pattern for matching the date and output with some additional processing are shown below.

string_date_pattern = re.compile(r'''(\d{1,2})?[\s-]?((?:(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)))[\w]?['\s-]?['\s-]?(20\d{2}|\d{2})(?:\s|[A-Za-z]|[\(\)\.\]]|[-_/]|$)''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

Output for Date Pattern Extraction based on Abbreviated and Long Month Names

2b. Extraction of date details where the date is represented in numeric format

Dates are also commonly represented entire in numbers and there are various formats where the date can start with the year, month or day e.g. YYYY-MM-DD, MM.DD.YY, DD/MM/YY etc. For the example, I am using a day-first date pattern and the Regex code and sample output are as below.

day_first_pattern = re.compile(r'''([0-3]?[0-9])[./]([01]?[0-9])[./](20\d{2}|\d{2})(?:\s|[A-Za-z]|[\(\)\.\]]|[-_]|$)''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

Output for Date Pattern Extraction based on Day First Numeric Date Pattern

2c. Extraction of date details where month is represented by short and long spelling

There are other instances where date are represented in a more abstract level, in this example by Quarter and Year. In this case, the first date of the quarter is used to represent the date extracted from the Quarter Year format. The Regex code and sample output are as shown below.

q_year_pattern = re.compile(r'''Q([1-4])[\s-]?(20\d{2}|\d{2})''', re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

Output for Date Pattern Extraction based on Quarter Year Pattern

Thanks for reading and hope the information was useful in some way!

Full Codes including Regex Pattern and Functions

### String Date Pattern Regex

string_date_pattern = re.compile(r'''

### Function to apply String Date Pattern Regex

def check_string_date(compiled_pattern, text):

    # List to contain output date format 
    list_output_date = []

    # Use text matching to match details 
    list_dates = compiled_pattern.findall(text)
    for record in list_dates:
        day, month, year = record
        flag_blank_day = (len(day)==0)
        #Putting the default date to 1 if only Month and Year details are present
        if flag_blank_day:
            day = "01"
        if len(year) == 2:
            year = '20' + year
        month = month.capitalize()

        str_date = ' '.join([day,month,year])
        #Handle Scenario where the month is is 3 Letter Short Form 
        if len(month) == 3:
                list_output_date.append(datetime.strptime(str_date, "%d %b %Y"))
            #In the event that the date is keyed in out of range 
            except ValueError:
                str_date = ' '.join(["01",month,year])
                list_output_date.append(datetime.strptime(str_date, "%d %b %Y"))

        #Handle Scenario where the month is is in long Form 
                list_output_date.append(datetime.strptime(str_date, "%d %B %Y"))
            #In the event that the date is keyed in out of range 
            except ValueError:
                str_date = ' '.join(["01",month,year])
                list_output_date.append(datetime.strptime(str_date, "%d %B %Y"))

    if len(list_output_date) > 0:
        return (list_output_date)
        return [pd.NaT]
### Numeric Date Pattern Regex

day_first_pattern = re.compile(r'''

### Function to apply Numeric Date Pattern Regex

def check_numeric_date(compiled_pattern, text, match_type='day_first'):

    # List to contain output date format 
    list_output_date = []

     # Use text matching to match details 
    list_dates = compiled_pattern.findall(text)

    for record in list_dates:
        if match_type == 'day_first':
            day, month, year = record
            day = int(day)
            month = int(month)
            if len(year) == 2:
                year = int('20' + year)
                year = int(year)

            #In the event that the date is keyed in out of range 
            except ValueError:
                print(f"Invalid date: {record}")

        if match_type == 'month_first':
            day, month, year = record
            day = int(day)
            month = int(month)
            if len(year) == 2:
                year = int('20' + year)
                year = int(year)

            #In the event that the date is keyed in out of range 
            except ValueError:
                print(f"Invalid date: {record}")
    if len(list_output_date) > 0:
        return (list_output_date)
        return [pd.NaT]

### Quarter Year Date Pattern Regex

q_year_pattern = re.compile(r'''

### Function to apply Quarter Year Date Pattern Regex

def check_quarter_year(compiled_pattern, text):

    # List to contain output date format 
    list_output_date = []

    # Use text matching to match details 
    list_dates = compiled_pattern.findall(text)

    for record in list_dates:

        quarter, year = record
        quarter = int(quarter)
        #Get the starting month of the quarter
        month = 1 + (quarter-1) * 3
        if len(year) == 2:
            year = int('20' + year)
            year = int(year)

    if len(list_output_date) > 0:
        return (list_output_date)
        return [pd.NaT]