Zaishan’s Videos and Articles
This page contains some videos of webinars which I participated in and selected articles extracted from publications.
1 Video
1.1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence webinar on 18 Nov 2021
1.2 AI is for everyone webinar on 25 March 2021
2 Articles
2.1 2013 Defence in the Cyber Domain Article in POINTER, The Journal of the Singapore Armed Forces
the proliferation of information and communications technology (ict) in our everyday lives is becoming increasingly apparent. as such, there are new challenges revolving around cyber security. this article discusses the framework in which the singapore armed forces (saf) should function and collaborate with others in order to better maintain our cyber network and infrastructure. it also highlights the various changes required for our operations to actively achieve a high level of cyber security.
2.2 2011 Safety and the Individual Article in FOCUS, Singapore Air Force Safety Magazine
The effectiveness of task accomplishment and safety system hinges on the individual. One needs to constantly put in effort to build competency in ‘Doing things right’ and align their mindset with the values of the organization to ‘Do the right things’.
Safety and the Individual Article in FOCUS Magazine issue 66, 2011